A little about me.

As a versatile photographer Dan Hopkinson, specializes in weddings, creative portraits, dynamic dance performances, and vibrant events. With a foundation in photography honed at Orange Coast College, he has been a professional photographer since 2015.

Driven by a passion for visual storytelling, Dan is constantly exploring new techniques and approaches to create images that resonate deeply with their clients. Whether it's freezing a fleeting glance during a wedding ceremony, revealing the inner beauty of a subject in a portrait session, or immortalizing the graceful movements of dancers on stage, he is dedicated to crafting images that evoke emotion and tell compelling narratives.

Beyond the lens, Dan finds inspiration in art projects, where he often seeks new perspectives through new mediums. Family plays a central role in his life, providing constant support and motivation in their creative endeavors.

With a commitment to excellence and a passion for connecting with people through photography, Dan Hopkinson is ready to capture the moments that matter most to you.

HI I'm Dan, though you may have gathered that already from the site, if not... I'm Dan.

  I've always enjoyed capturing moments through photography, ever since a young age. Another passion of mine has been cooking/baking. I love bacon (not the culture), grilled cheese sandwiches ,smash burgers, & I make a mean browned butter chocolate chip cookie. If asked nicely I'll most likely make some for you. I also enjoy exploring graffiti in cities, watching movies, and travel.

Miscellaneous facts:

  • Eclectic is my favorite word.

  • I dislike wearing logos of clothing companies (paying to walk around as a billboard doesn't interest me).

  • I've been described as earnest/sincere.

  • I dance when no one's looking, and sometimes when they are.

  • If bad/crazy stuff happens in a day, I usually laugh in the moment cause I know it'll be a funny later.